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# EN524 Event Log
# Chief Scientist: Joan Bernhard (WHOI)
# Version: 24 May 2013
event            sci_event  instrument  action     month_utc  day_utc  year  time_utc  ISO_DateTime_UTC           station     depth_w  depth_instr_max  lat      lon       author      comment                                                                 
20130519.2053    1          CTD911      maxDepth   05         19       2013  2053      2013-05-19T20:53:30+0000   Mud Patch   76.4     71               40.4451  -70.5030  mDavis      event01                                                                 
20130519.2100    1          CTD911      recover    05         19       2013  2100      2013-05-19T21:00:44+0000   Mud Patch   76.4     71               40.4466  -70.5026  mDavis      event01                                                                 
20130519.2212    2          Box Corer   start      05         19       2013  2212      2013-05-19T22:12:26+0000   Mud Patch   76       76               40.4405  -70.4864  jWit        event02                                                                 
20130519.2216    2          Box Corer   maxDepth   05         19       2013  2216      2013-05-19T22:16:51+0000   Mud Patch   76       76               40.4405  -70.4871  jWit        event02                                                                 
20130519.2225    2          Box Corer   end        05         19       2013  2225      2013-05-19T22:25:46+0000   Mud Patch   76       76               40.4404  -70.4885  jWit        event02                                                                 
20130520.0002    3          Box Corer   start      05         20       2013  0002      2013-05-20T00:02:26+0000   Mud Patch   75.6     75.6             40.4441  -70.4945  mJeglinski  event03                                                                 
20130520.0011    3          Box Corer   maxDepth   05         20       2013  0011      2013-05-20T00:11:39+0000   Mud Patch   75.6     75.6             40.4447  -70.4942  jWit        event03                                                                 
20130520.0020    3          Box Corer   end        05         20       2013  0020      2013-05-20T00:20:31+0000   Mud Patch   75.6     75.6             40.4455  -70.4932  jWit        event03                                                                 
20130520.0033    4          Box Corer   start      05         20       2013  0033      2013-05-20T00:33:53+0000   Mud Patch   74       74               40.4405  -70.4915  jWit        event04                                                                 
20130520.0037    4          Box Corer   maxDepth   05         20       2013  0037      2013-05-20T00:38:00+0000   Mad Patch   74       74               40.4406  -70.4925  jWit        event04                                                                 
20130520.0047    4          Box Corer   end        05         20       2013  0047      2013-05-20T00:47:39+0000   Mud Patch   74       74               40.4417  -70.4941  jWit        event04                                                                 
20130520.0147    5          CTD911      deploy     05         20       2013  0147      2013-05-20T01:47:23+0000   Mud Patch   77.3     nd               40.4312  -70.4895  mDavis      event05                                                                 
20130520.0152    5          CTD911      maxDepth   05         20       2013  0152      2013-05-20T01:52:28+0000   Mud Patch   77.3     nd               40.4305  -70.4873  mDavis      event05                                                                 
20130520.0200    5          CTD911      recover    05         20       2013  0200      2013-05-20T02:00:33+0000   Mud Patch   77.3     nd               40.4292  -70.4836  mDavis      event05                                                                 
20130520.1004    6          Box Corer   start      05         20       2013  1004      2013-05-20T10:04:31+0000   Mud Patch   76.1     76.1             40.4411  -70.4866  jWit        event06                                                                 
20130520.1009    6          Box Corer   maxDepth   05         20       2013  1009      2013-05-20T10:09:31+0000   Mud Patch   76.1     76.1             40.4406  -70.4861  jWit        event06                                                                 
20130520.1019    6          Box Corer   end        05         20       2013  1019      2013-05-20T10:19:20+0000   Mud Patch   76.1     76.1             40.4399  -70.4846  jWit        event06                                                                 
20130520.1030    7          Box Corer   start      05         20       2013  1030      2013-05-20T10:30:38+0000   Mud Patch   76.4     76.4             40.4389  -70.4837  jWit        event07                                                                 
20130520.1034    7          Box Corer   maxDepth   05         20       2013  1034      2013-05-20T10:34:22+0000   Mud Patch   76.4     76.4             40.4387  -70.4833  mDavis      event07                                                                 
20130520.1045    7          Box Corer   end        05         20       2013  1045      2013-05-20T10:45:10+0000   Mud Patch   76.4     76.4             40.4370  -70.4825  mDavis      event07                                                                 
20130520.1231    8          Box Corer   start      05         20       2013  1231      2013-05-20T12:31:16+0000   Mud Patch   76       76               40.4398  -70.4939  mDavis      event08                                                                 
20130520.1235    8          Box Corer   maxDepth   05         20       2013  1235      2013-05-20T12:35:07+0000   Mud Patch   76       76               40.4397  -70.4943  mDavis      event08                                                                 
20130520.1246    8          Box Corer   end        05         20       2013  1246      2013-05-20T12:46:02+0000   Mud Patch   76       76               40.4386  -70.4971  mDavis      event08                                                                 
20130520.1308    9          Box Corer   start      05         20       2013  1308      2013-05-20T13:08:52+0000   Mud Patch   76       76               40.4395  -70.4909  mDavis      event09                                                                 
20130520.1314    9          Box Corer   maxDepth   05         20       2013  1314      2013-05-20T13:14:07+0000   Mud Patch   76       76               40.4390  -70.4900  mDavis      event09                                                                 
20130520.1324    9          Box Corer   end        05         20       2013  1324      2013-05-20T13:24:32+0000   Mud Patch   76       76               40.4387  -70.4874  jWit        event09                                                                 
20130520.1530    10         Multicorer  start      05         20       2013  1530      2013-05-20T15:30:35+0000   Mud Patch   77       77               40.4384  -70.4964  jWit        event10                                                                 
20130520.1535    10         Multicorer  maxDepth   05         20       2013  1535      2013-05-20T15:35:34+0000   Mud Patch   77       77               40.4380  -70.4969  jWit        event10                                                                 
20130520.1545    10         Multicorer  end        05         20       2013  1545      2013-05-20T15:45:36+0000   Mud Patch   77       77               40.4374  -70.4970  jWit        event10                                                                 
20130520.2245    11         Multicorer  start      05         20       2013  2245      2013-05-20T22:45:55+0000   Mud Patch   76.4     76.4             40.4423  -70.4913  mDavis      event11                                                                 
20130520.2250    11         Multicorer  maxDepth   05         20       2013  2250      2013-05-20T22:50:19+0000   Mud Patch   76.4     76.4             40.4424  -70.4913  mDavis      event11                                                                 
20130520.2300    11         Multicorer  end        05         20       2013  2300      2013-05-20T23:00:53+0000   Mud Patch   76.4     76.4             40.4425  -70.4916  mDavis      event11                                                                 
20130521.1002    12         CTD911      deploy     05         21       2013  1002      2013-05-21T10:02:38+0000   Mud Patch   76.3     71               40.4426  -70.4930  mDavis      event12                                                                 
20130521.1011    12         CTD911      maxDepth   05         21       2013  1011      2013-05-21T10:11:48+0000   Mud Patch   76.3     71               40.4427  -70.4924  mDavis      event12                                                                 
20130521.1019    12         CTD911      recover    05         21       2013  1019      2013-05-21T10:19:56+0000   Mud Patch   76.3     71               40.4427  -70.4919  mDavis      event12                                                                 
20130521.1053    13         Multicorer  start      05         21       2013  1053      2013-05-21T10:53:29+0000   Mud Patch   76       76               40.4415  -70.4920  jWit        event13                                                                 
20130521.1055    13         Multicorer  maxDepth   05         21       2013  1055      2013-05-21T10:55:16+0000   Mud Patch   76       76               40.4414  -70.4921  jWit        event13                                                                 
20130521.1104    13         Multicorer  end        05         21       2013  1104      2013-05-21T11:04:20+0000   Mud Patch   76       76               40.4412  -70.4923  jWit        event13                                                                 
20130521.1128    14         Multicorer  start      05         21       2013  1128      2013-05-21T11:28:07+0000   Mud Patch   77       77               40.4377  -70.4927  mDavis      event14                                                                 
20130521.1132    14         Multicorer  maxDepth   05         21       2013  1132      2013-05-21T11:32:19+0000   Mud Patch   77       77               40.4375  -70.4924  mDavis      event14                                                                 
20130521.1142    14         Multicorer  end        05         21       2013  1142      2013-05-21T11:42:16+0000   Mud Patch   77       77               40.4369  -70.4918  mDavis      event14                                                                 
20130521.1652    15         Box Corer   start      05         21       2013  1652      2013-05-21T16:52:18+0000   Mud Patch   76.7     76.7             40.4356  -70.4916  mDavis      event15                                                                 
20130521.1656    15         Box Corer   maxDepth   05         21       2013  1656      2013-05-21T16:56:28+0000   Mud Patch   76.7     76.7             40.4362  -70.4922  mDavis      event15                                                                 
20130521.1705    15         Box Corer   end        05         21       2013  1705      2013-05-21T17:05:50+0000   Mud Patch   76.7     76.7             40.4374  -70.4941  mDavis      event15                                                                 
20130521.1821    16         Box Corer   start      05         21       2013  1821      2013-05-21T18:21:02+0000   Mud Patch   77       77               40.4362  -70.4914  mDavis      event16                                                                 
20130521.1824    16         Box Corer   maxDepth   05         21       2013  1824      2013-05-21T18:24:38+0000   Mud Patch   77       77               40.4367  -70.4916  mDavis      event16                                                                 
20130521.1834    16         Box Corer   end        05         21       2013  1834      2013-05-21T18:34:59+0000   Mud Patch   77       77               40.4389  -70.4928  mDavis      event16                                                                 
20130521.1929    17         Box Corer   start      05         21       2013  1929      2013-05-21T19:29:58+0000   Mud Patch   77       77               40.4356  -70.4873  mDavis      event17                                                                 
20130521.1934    17         Box Corer   maxDepth   05         21       2013  1934      2013-05-21T19:34:22+0000   Mud Patch   77       77               40.4358  -70.4867  mDavis      event17                                                                 
20130521.1944    17         Box Corer   end        05         21       2013  1944      2013-05-21T19:44:21+0000   Mud Patch   77       77               40.4365  -70.4851  mDavis      event17                                                                 
20130521.1957    18         Box Corer   start      05         21       2013  1957      2013-05-21T19:57:45+0000   Mud Patch   77.4     77.4             40.4358  -70.4844  mDavis      event18                                                                 
20130521.2001    18         Box Corer   maxDepth   05         21       2013  2001      2013-05-21T20:01:55+0000   Mud Patch   77.4     77.4             40.4359  -70.4846  mDavis      event18                                                                 
20130521.2011    18         Box Corer   end        05         21       2013  2011      2013-05-21T20:11:15+0000   Mud Patch   77.4     77.4             40.4361  -70.4836  mDavis      event18                                                                 
20130521.2244    19         CTD911      deploy     05         21       2013  2244      2013-05-21T22:44:11+0000   Mud Patch   77       73               40.4372  -70.4894  wSkorski    event19                                                                 
20130521.2250    19         CTD911      maxDepth   05         21       2013  2250      2013-05-21T22:50:33+0000   Mud Patch   77       73               40.4369  -70.4886  wSkorski    event19                                                                 
20130521.2255    19         CTD911      recover    05         21       2013  2255      2013-05-21T22:55:53+0000   Mud Patch   77       73               40.4367  -70.4876  wSkorski    event19                                                                 
20130521.2309    20         Box Corer   start      05         21       2013  2309      2013-05-21T23:09:45+0000   Mud Patch   77.6     77.6             40.4363  -70.4902  jWit        event20                                                                 
20130521.2315    20         Box Corer   maxDepth   05         21       2013  2315      2013-05-21T23:15:39+0000   Mud Patch   77.6     77.6             40.4366  -70.4909  mDavis      event20                                                                 
20130521.2328    20         Box Corer   end        05         21       2013  2328      2013-05-21T23:28:22+0000   Mud Patch   77.6     77.6             40.4365  -70.4929  mDavis      event20                                                                 
20130522.1742    nd         Ship        endCruise  05         22       2013  1742      2013-05-22T17:42:07+0000   Mud Patch   nd       nd               41.4922  -71.4188  anOther     nd                                                                      
20130522.1746    nd         Other       end        05         22       2013  1746      2013-05-22T17:46:30+0000   Mud Patch   nd       nd               41.3924  -71.3444  anOther     Stop science seawater and SBE21 TSG logging 1357z. Fresh water flush.